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Transesophageal echocardiography

“A transesophageal echocardiography”

TEE, is a special type of heart ultrasound that gives us very detailed images of your child’s heart. It’s different from the standard echocardiogram because instead of placing the ultrasound probe on the chest, we gently place it inside the esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach) to get a closer view of the heart.

Here’s how the procedure works:


Before the test, your child will need to stop eating and drinking for several hours, usually 4 to 6 hours, to ensure their stomach is empty. This helps make the procedure safer and more comfortable. When you arrive at the clinic or hospital, your child will be taken to a special room. They’ll change into a gown, and we’ll check their vital signs, like heart rate and blood pressure.


To make sure your child is comfortable and doesn’t feel any discomfort, we’ll give them a sedative through an IV (a small needle placed in the arm). This medicine will make them sleepy and relaxed, and they might not remember much about the procedure afterward. Sometimes, we also numb the throat with a spray or gargle to help prevent any gagging during the procedure.

Inserting the Probe:

Once your child is relaxed and sleepy, the doctor will gently guide a thin, flexible tube called a transducer down your child’s throat into the esophagus. Since the esophagus is right behind the heart, this allows us to get very clear and detailed pictures of the heart and its structures. The transducer will send out sound waves, just like in a regular ultrasound, and these waves will create detailed images of the heart that the doctor can see on a screen.

What We’re Looking For:

TEE gives us a very clear view of the heart, including the heart valves and the blood flow. This is especially useful for seeing things that might be harder to detect with a regular echocardiogram, such as small blood clots, infections, or complex heart defects. Duration:

The entire procedure usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes. The actual time the probe is in place is usually much shorter, but we take our time to make sure your child is comfortable before, during, and after the test.

After the Procedure:

After the TEE is done, we’ll gently remove the probe, and your child will be taken to a recovery area where they’ll be monitored as they wake up fully from the sedative. It might take about an hour for them to feel fully awake and alert. Your child’s throat might feel a little sore afterward, but this usually goes away quickly. They’ll be able to go home the same day and should rest for the remainder of the day.

Why We Do This Test:

We use TEE when we need a closer look at your child’s heart to make sure it’s functioning properly or to check for any specific issues that might not be visible with other types of imaging. It helps us make the best decisions about your child’s care. It’s a very safe procedure, and we take every step to ensure your child is comfortable throughout. If you have any questions or concerns, we’re here to answer them and support you both through the process.

Ensuring your child receives the best care is our top priority. Scheduling an appointment with us is easy and convenient.

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